2175 N. Glenville Drive Richardson, TX. 75082

Benefits Administration Services

Support from a dedicated service team

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Billing Reconciliation Services

We understand the administrative frustrations associated with the insurance payment process. That’s why we offer integrated billing and monthly reconciliation services to all of our clients. Our proprietary reconciliation software offers our clients full flexibility to provide payroll and benefits staff with multiple billing options, including electronic reconciliation, ACH, wire transfers and consolidated check remittance.

Integration: Our team can provide a full suite of billing services through our online enrollment system. This single-source platform helps create a streamlined billing process to help improve payroll efficiencies while reducing HR/payroll costs. Our goal is to equip employers with the tools to make payroll management easy.

Monthly Billing: Our clients receive a monthly billing report through our secure FTP site that contains all enrolled employer and employee premiums. Our team can also reconcile client monthly payroll to identify premium discrepancies, helping to ensure that payroll amounts are accurate and fully balanced.

Common Remitter: Our billing team will remit all payments to insurance carriers. Your dedicated billing coordinator works to identify payment discrepancies, contact necessary partners and assist in resolving payment and/or policy issues.

Retirement Plan Administration

A retirement plan is an essential part of future financial security. We work to deliver a comprehensive retirement platform that includes compliance, remittance and customer support services. Our mission is to educate your employees through our financial literacy program and to provide them with a clear path to retirement.

  • 401(k)
  • 403(b)
  • 457
  • FICA Alternative

COBRA Administration

We understand the stress of daily benefit administration caused by employee turnover. Our services are combined with partners who have extensive experience in COBRA administration and share our mission to offer a single source solution. We work to provide clients with the most up-to-date information and documentation while staying abreast with regulations and guidelines.

Section 125

Flexible benefit plans can provide significant tax savings for employees and employers. Our team is able to provide administration services on a variety of Section 125 plans, including Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). Our specialists combine years of experience with technological innovation, helping to provide plan administration through a single-source solution that is both efficient and accurate.

Enrollment Management

Our team can help manage the entire benefits enrollment process during both open and ongoing enrollment. We coordinate each step, from planning and implementation to set-up and enrollment, helping to reduce the time and resources that employers have to devote to enrolling their employees. Our multi-faceted approach is designed to simplify the delivery and communication of benefit information, which, in turn, helps facilitate a successful enrollment.

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