2175 N. Glenville Drive Richardson, TX. 75082

Improving the Utilization of Employee Assistance Programs

women discussing meeting

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are employer-sponsored programs that offer services or referrals to help employees deal with personal problems. These programs can boost employee well-being, satisfaction, performance and health. Unfortunately, these programs are often heavily underutilized. According to Mental Health America, 98% of mid- to large-sized companies offer EAPs, but only 4% of employees use […]

Open Enrollment Glossary of Terms

glasses hovering over an open book

Open enrollment is the time of year reserved for you to make changes to your benefit elections, and unfamiliar terms can make this process confusing. Use these definitions of common open enrollment terms to help you navigate your benefits options. Coinsurance – The amount or percentage that you pay for certain covered health care services […]