2175 N. Glenville Drive Richardson, TX. 75082

Improving the Utilization of Employee Assistance Programs

women discussing meeting

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are employer-sponsored programs that offer services or referrals to help employees deal with personal problems. These programs can boost employee well-being, satisfaction, performance and health. Unfortunately, these programs are often heavily underutilized. According to Mental Health America, 98% of mid- to large-sized companies offer EAPs, but only 4% of employees use […]

7 Key Employee Benefits Trends in 2024

Graphic designers interacting at their desk in office discussing employee benefits

Attracting and retaining employees has challenged employers since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and as employee benefits trends evolve. In 2024, the labor market is expected to cool slightly; however, competition for talent will remain. As such, employers must remain agile and adapt to developing labor and market trends that will shape the market […]

Accident Insurance: Coverage for the Entire Family

Cheerful senior man with broken leg in plaster cast sitting on sofa at home and using smart phone.

Accidents can happen at any time, to anyone, anywhere. As a parent, you want to protect your family from the unexpected and ensure that they have access to the best medical care possible if they ever need it. This is where accident insurance comes in. Accident insurance is designed to help cover the costs associated […]

What If Disability Insurance Was Called “Paycheck Protection”?

Man is sitting on couch with a cast on his right foot and is using a tablet.

Disability insurance plays a crucial role in protecting individuals from the financial hardships caused by unexpected injuries or illnesses that can affect their ability to work. However, the perception of disability insurance can often be misunderstood or undervalued. What if we reframed disability insurance and called it “Paycheck Protection”? Let’s reimagine how we view disability […]