Improving the Utilization of Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are employer-sponsored programs that offer services or referrals to help employees deal with personal problems. These programs can boost employee well-being, satisfaction, performance and health. Unfortunately, these programs are often heavily underutilized. According to Mental Health America, 98% of mid- to large-sized companies offer EAPs, but only 4% of employees use […]
Mental Health Benefits

More than 1 in 5 Americans have diagnosable mental health conditions at some point in their lives, yet only about half of those individuals receive professional mental health treatment. One major determinant of an individual’s access to mental health care is whether he or she has health insurance that includes mental health benefits. Now, under […]
Mental Health Awareness Month: It Matters Now More Than Ever

Each year, 1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder.1 Additionally, over 50% of adults with a mental illness have not received treatment.2 Because of how prevalent it is, there’s a good chance that you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health. Mental health issues are distinct […]